Black Friday Sale (Vintage Jane Austen and more!)

Announcements, Emmeline, Presumption and Partiality, Sales, Suit and Suitability

Three of the Vintage Jane Austen books are on sale on Kindle this Black Friday weekend for $0.99 each!

Sales From VJA Authors

These same three authors also have many other Kindle books on sale for 99 cents or for free! Check out these deals below!

  • Sarah Holman (Author of the Kate’s Case Files series, the Tales of Taelis series, As Long as I Belong, Quest for the Beast, If He Lives, A Different Kind of Courage, and others!)
  • Kelsey Bryant (Author of Sense and Sensibility, Family Reunion, England Adventure, The Promise of Acorns, Prairie Independence Day, and The Road to Bremen)
  • Rebekah Jones (Author of Presumption and Partiality, Grandmother’s Letters, the Windles and the Lost Boy, Christmas Carol Society, 24 Days Before Christmas, Gingerbread Treasures, and more!)

More Sales

Plus tons of other clean ebooks by many different indie authors for free or 99 cents, sortable by genre, over at Perry Kirkpatrick’s Black Friday Book Sale.

Other News from VJA Authors

Sarah Holman’s latest blog post: Upcoming Sales and New Covers Revealed

A Very Bookish Holiday Valentine’s Day collection coming soon!


Valentine’s Day Ebook Sale: Vintage Jane Austen!

Announcements, Bellevere House, Emmeline, Presumption and Partiality, Sales, Suit and Suitability

Many of the Vintage Jane Austen ebooks are on sale for 99 cents today only (February 14, 2020) for Valentine’s Day — so now is your chance to grab some great Jane-Austen-inspired novels set in the 1930s. The perfect read for Valentine’s Day! Find the full series here on Amazon today!


October Sale!


The Vintage Jane Austen books are on sale!

Fall is in the air and it’s just the right time to pick up a cozy new read . . .

What better than retellings of Jane Austen’s classic works, set in the 1930s? Or a collection of short stories which take Jane’s tales through a number of genres without losing the spark of the originals?

Be sure to check out the $0.99 sale the authors of the VJA are running!

You can find the novels on Amazon HERE and the short story collection HERE!

Happy reading!


Jane Austen Inspired Valentine Sale + Giveaway!

Announcements, Blog Tour, Sales

Jane Austen. There’s nothing quite like her. She continues to inspire us all these years later. This Valentine’s Day, the authors of the Vintage Jane Austen and a few other authors come together to bring you a special sale and giveaway!

Twelve books are on sale for $2.99 or less. Books like Tracking Ruby and Water Princess, Fire Prince feature characters who adore and quote Jane Austen’s stories. Most of the books take the beloved classics and retell them in a new setting. Each book is perfect for those who want a little touch of Jane Austen and romance for this Valentine’s Day.
(Click the covers above or titles below to go to each book!)
An author’s participation in this giveaway does not mean they endorse all the books included. While all books are considered clean, they may not reflect the values of the other authors.

Presumption & Partiality: Now Available!

Announcements, Paperbacks, Presumption and Partiality

The Vintage Jane Austen retelling of Pride and Prejudice is now available in ebook and paperback!

Presumption and Partiality

by Rebekah Jones

A retelling of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice

Among the cotton fields and farmland of Gilbert, Arizona in the early years of the Great Depression, Mr. and Mrs. Bailey live a simple, but happy life with their five daughters on a cotton farm. When the wealthy Richard Buchanan moves to town, bringing his family, a friend, and a desire to learn about cotton, Matilda Bailey is convinced that he is the perfect candidate to marry her eldest daughter, Alice.

Richard is cheerful, friendly, and likable. His friend Sidney Dennison doesn’t make such a good impression. Eloise Bailey decides he’s arrogant and self-conceited, but when Raymond Wolfe comes to town, accusing Sidney of dishonorable and treacherous conduct, Eloise is angered at the injustice of the situation.

When the Buchanan household leaves town, Alice must turn to the Lord and face, perhaps, her most difficult test in trust, while Eloise takes a trip to visit her friend and may well discover a web of deceit that she doesn’t really want to believe exists.

Now available in e-book and paperback!

Links: Amazon: PaperbackAmazon: Kindle • Goodreads


Paperbacks! Blog Event! Giveaway!

Announcements, Bellevere House, Blog Tour, Emmeline, Paperbacks, Perception, Second Impressions, Suit and Suitability, Uncategorized

The paperbacks are here!

Some have asked when these books will be available in paperback, and we’re happy to announce that the happy day has arrived!

All of the Vintage Jane Austen books (except for Presumption and Partiality, which is will still be releasing soon, in ebook and physical) are now available in paperback!

You can find them for purchase on Amazon at the links below.

Blog Event

Today is also the first day of the Vintage Jane Austen Blog Event, featuring a giveaway, reviews, interviews, and more fun — it runs from November 5 until November 11. Check out today’s posts!

November 5th


Enter the giveaway for a $25 Amazon Gift Card here.

Come back tomorrow and the rest of the week for more of the Vintage Jane Austen Blog Event!


Vintage Jane Austen Blog Event: Coming Soon!

Announcements, Blog Tour

Calling all bloggers!

Do have a blog? Are you interested in reviewing one or more of the Vintage Jane Austen books in return for a free ebook copy? Or interviewing one or more of the Vintage Jane Austen authors (or the cover designer)? Or would you simply like to share a spotlight on your blog about this series of retellings of Jane Austen’s classic works, set in the 1930s?

You can sign up to join The Vintage Jane Austen Event blog party (which will take place November 5 – 11, 2017) HERE!

Keep a look out for this blog event, readers! There will be fun posts, and a giveaway, as we celebrate the release of the entire series, and the books in paperback as well! Coming soon . . .

We can’t wait to share this fun blog party with you all!

Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for more Vintage Jane Austen news.


Perception Now Available!

Announcements, Book Release, Perception

The next book in the Vintage Jane Austen is here: Perception by Emily Ann Benedict!



by Emily Ann Benedict

A retelling of Jane Austen’s Persuasion.

Upstate New York, 1930. Thirteen years ago, Abbey Evans was persuaded to break off her engagement to a penniless soldier headed to the front lines of the Great War. A daughter of one of America’s wealthiest families could never be allowed to marry so far beneath herself. But Black Tuesday changed everything. With her family’s prominence now little more than a facade, Abbey faces the loss of her childhood home. As if that weren’t enough, the only man she ever loved has returned after making his fortune – and he wants nothing to do with the young woman he courted before the war. With the past forever out of reach, the time has come for Abbey to decide her own fate, before it is too late…

Find it on: Amazon

Add it on: Goodreads

Find the author at:


Latest Releases!

Announcements, Book Release, Second Impressions, Suit and Suitability

Two more books have released!

We’re excited to present to you the latest additions to the Vintage Jane Austen series . . .

Suit and Suitability

Suit and Suitability, the second novel in the Vintage Jane Austen series, released today!

A retelling of Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility, by Texan author Kelsey Bryant, the book is available in e-book format (paperback coming soon!) and you can find out more about it below.

Second Impressions: A Collection of Fiction Inspired by Jane Austen

The Second Impressions short story collection, edited by Hannah Scheele, with stories in different settings from a passel of talented authors, is now available in e-book and paperback format!

If you’d like to “meet the authors” and get a fun sneak-peek at their thoughts on how the stories in this short story collection came to be written, you can visit Kelsey Bryant’s post here: Meet the Authors of Second Impressions

Hope you enjoy the latest Vintage Jane Austen books! There will be more information coming as the rest of the books release. Thanks for reading!


Emmeline Has Released!

Announcements, Book Release, Emmeline

The first of the Vintage Jane Austen books is now available!

Emmeline by Sarah Holman

A retelling of Jane Austen’s Emma

What if Jane Austen’s Emma lived in America in the year 1930?

The talk of stock market crashes and depression isn’t going to keep Emmeline Wellington down. Born to wealth and privilege, Emmeline wants nothing more than to help her new friend, Catarina, find a husband. Emmeline sets her sights on one of the town’s most eligible bachelors, but nothing seems to go right. Even her friend and neighbor Fredrick Knight seems to question her at every turn.

Will she help Catarina find the man of her dreams? Why is her father acting so strangely? Will the downturn affect her life, despite her best efforts?

Take a look at what readers are saying — here are the latest reviews for Emmeline!

You can purchase a Kindle copy on Amazon, and add to your To-Read list on Goodreads.

Note: for those who like physical copies of books, fear not! A paperback copy will be forthcoming, hopefully in March 2017.

Watch this space or subscribe by email below for more updates!
